
Hello everybody, welcome to read my blog. I'm just an ordinary girl, the reason will be writing a blog, because good or bad mood can express in this blog and share.Although my blog is a bit boring, but I hope you can be my audience, from myexperience I feel the article. I have two chat rooms, if you want a message to me, leave a message in a chat room.My English is poor, as are the child does not study hard, haha. Sometimes I write in English, are to practice my English, to practice writing in English is also a way to make progress in English. If you do not know where to look, may I use broken english to write the article, a lot of people to please, please forgive me.Countries around the world friends, you should be healthy, happy peace there every day. Nothing more than close family friends and relatives are concerned about their friends is more important, so you should cherish, lose the will no longer be brought back. I know I'm not quite sure value can be done, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you, let us each day, a beautiful day Oh~

Thursday, March 1, 2012


有一天晚上,我跟他在聊电话... 聊到我对我自己没有信心,为什么别人老是批评我的外表... 他安慰我..聊回以前的事情,他说其实他第一次跟我走夜市时,他看到的我是真的很不美... 虽然我知道他现在是喜欢我的人...但是在我自卑当中听到自己喜欢的人这样说.......我的眼泪直流...停不下来~ 由小到大,我的外表只是一个平凡女生的样子,虽然不美但是不至于丑陋... 至小,我因为常常被人批评我不美照成我的自卑感...长大了会打扮了,人还是会说简直不像我自己,永远也不会相信照片了....就那么一句话,我以前的自卑感又回来了......在那一个晚上,我哭着睡觉..枕头湿了..一夜睡不好........ 我答应我自己,现在被人批评外表,我有一天要让别人称赞我的事业...样子好看只是天生的优势...我不放弃我自己..我的外表虽然不是大优势,但是也是好优点... 我看好我自己就足够!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 2012

(sorry for late)
The day before yesterday I am very happy, because that was a wonderful the end of 2011 and the perfect beginning 2012,I count down with my dear Bi and more friends at Genting Highlands... It was very high and exiting at the moment... I very happy that were my dear Bi the first time go Genting with me, but I very aching of my dear.. because he was very very tired and not eHappy nough to slept.... the last two day pf 2011 were bad day for him, the unlucky thing were happen to him but I trust the lucky day are waiting for him start from 2012.. Dear, the lucky day and happiness day are waiting you.. don't be unhappy ok? I know you are the good and clever boy, I love you <3 you know?? you are my sweet FIRST LOVE and you giving me a lot of feeling of memories, I want you continue to make more sweet memory to me and you, ok? Do you promise me?? I really love you and I can't leave you.. Do you promise me you will protect me forever?? ^^v Can I have your answer??

New Year for all the people in the world =)