
Hello everybody, welcome to read my blog. I'm just an ordinary girl, the reason will be writing a blog, because good or bad mood can express in this blog and share.Although my blog is a bit boring, but I hope you can be my audience, from myexperience I feel the article. I have two chat rooms, if you want a message to me, leave a message in a chat room.My English is poor, as are the child does not study hard, haha. Sometimes I write in English, are to practice my English, to practice writing in English is also a way to make progress in English. If you do not know where to look, may I use broken english to write the article, a lot of people to please, please forgive me.Countries around the world friends, you should be healthy, happy peace there every day. Nothing more than close family friends and relatives are concerned about their friends is more important, so you should cherish, lose the will no longer be brought back. I know I'm not quite sure value can be done, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you, let us each day, a beautiful day Oh~

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wedding 婚礼

今天晚上我们去亲戚的婚礼。。。可以说的是每一道菜都超好味。。。很好吃呐 =) 。。。甜品是一人一杯雪糕(巧克力口味)。。。还不错。。。我外婆和姨婆好调皮哦。。。吃雪糕的样子也很调皮。。。哈哈哈哈。。。

Thursday, September 24, 2009

放假时的节目之一 Midvally


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


大家好。。你们可以叫我 ccs 。。我才开这个博客不久。。所以不知道要说什么。。哈哈。。欢迎你们来观看我的博客啊!!!

