
Hello everybody, welcome to read my blog. I'm just an ordinary girl, the reason will be writing a blog, because good or bad mood can express in this blog and share.Although my blog is a bit boring, but I hope you can be my audience, from myexperience I feel the article. I have two chat rooms, if you want a message to me, leave a message in a chat room.My English is poor, as are the child does not study hard, haha. Sometimes I write in English, are to practice my English, to practice writing in English is also a way to make progress in English. If you do not know where to look, may I use broken english to write the article, a lot of people to please, please forgive me.Countries around the world friends, you should be healthy, happy peace there every day. Nothing more than close family friends and relatives are concerned about their friends is more important, so you should cherish, lose the will no longer be brought back. I know I'm not quite sure value can be done, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you, let us each day, a beautiful day Oh~

Monday, February 7, 2011


初四~我的节目开始来咯。。开心啊。。本来一大早我还很闷的。。差不多六点多。。耶耶~朋友打来咯。。我们出去买了戏票后。。就去阿燕家。。他早就叫我们去她家了。。在阿燕家一下子。。daddy[伟杰]就跑去他老板家拜年了。。丢下我们。。够衰。。呵呵。。都不要带我们去。。差不多9点多这样我们就去看戏咯。。看[最强喜事]。。好好看哦。。杜文泽的戏份真的是笑死人。。哈哈哈哈哈。。然后我们四个人就去喝茶噜。。一个回家了。。其实当天daddy[伟杰]和darling bro[derek]都生病了。。我们就早点回来咯。。然后冲了一支蜜糖给daddy[伟杰]。。希望他喝了会好咯。。这次也有照片哦。。



Saturday, February 5, 2011


今年的农历新年好闷哦。。没什么新年气息。。再加上新年里面有几天我的心情竟然不好。。然后今年的新年好多人生病哦。。我也不例外。。大多数的人都是发烧伤风咳嗽。。。唉~算了吧。。天气不好。。大家喝多点水啊。。祝你们身体健康哦。。。初二我跟家人下去乡下看看。。因为自从婆婆把那间屋子卖了过后。。年轻一辈都没什么回去了。。我呢?几年没回去了。。但是我昨天回去真的是闷死我了。。大半天都在睡觉。。好彩朋友在怡保然后他回kl的时候。。我就叫他下来找我一下。。我们就去喝茶咯。。。过后他先回kl。。我们就和爸爸的朋友吃了晚饭。。大概十点多这样我们就会kl了。。昨天真的好累哦。。。可是我不后悔跟爸爸回去。。因为真的很久没回去了。。。就去看看咯。。。没想到乡下天气好热哦。。。真的是热到tak boleh tahan。。。 可是没关系。。好戏在后头。。。初四开始我的节目来咯。。哈哈哈哈。。。就写到这里吧。。祝大家新年快乐。。恭喜发财。。。

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mommy's Birthday [02.02.11]

Today is my dear mommy's birthday... hope she always happy always healthy n all dream come true~^^v wao~ chinese new year is coming.. happy lo... i can out with friends again..hahaha... stop here la.. upload pic first..