
Hello everybody, welcome to read my blog. I'm just an ordinary girl, the reason will be writing a blog, because good or bad mood can express in this blog and share.Although my blog is a bit boring, but I hope you can be my audience, from myexperience I feel the article. I have two chat rooms, if you want a message to me, leave a message in a chat room.My English is poor, as are the child does not study hard, haha. Sometimes I write in English, are to practice my English, to practice writing in English is also a way to make progress in English. If you do not know where to look, may I use broken english to write the article, a lot of people to please, please forgive me.Countries around the world friends, you should be healthy, happy peace there every day. Nothing more than close family friends and relatives are concerned about their friends is more important, so you should cherish, lose the will no longer be brought back. I know I'm not quite sure value can be done, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you, let us each day, a beautiful day Oh~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


10月25日我和佩君去金河看李民浩....他本人比他在镜头前还要英俊....他一到场所有的粉丝就快要疯了...哈哈..很夸张吧...我也快要傻了....实在太英俊了...25日之前听说他要来办签名会.....我就托佩君帮我买他代言的产品...因为只要在[ETUDE HOUSE]买RM20以上就可以拿海报和文件夹.......然后可以拿海报上台签名哦......所以呢...我和佩君加起来有五个海报..三个文件夹...哈哈...本来我们在很前面的...快要到我们上台拿签名.....因为有一些原因所以没拿到.....虽然很伤心....不过海报本来就有他的签名...就还算好啦....他就快走的时候我拉着佩君去旁边的走廊等他经过...因为他来的时候就是从我们旁边的走廊来的...回也一样....他走时还笑脸迎人....最开心的是我可以近距离看到他本人(只有两个人的距离...经过而已...也很开心...哈哈)........回到家...我家人说我疯了...哈哈...佩君家人也说佩君疯了.....真的很难忘哦......

Friday, October 9, 2009


这个星期二我们又去Midvalley了。。看[吓到笑]。。。其实还好叻。。当然不能错过的就是去玩投篮机。。我竟然又再一次输给了我的朋友。。呜呜~~~。。。看完戏后去[金加利]吃东西。。他们的食物都蛮便宜。。好不好吃你们就自己去试吧。。哈哈。。第二张照片中的食物是(芝士锔牛肉饭)和(猪排意大利面)。。不一定要牛肉的哦。。也可以选别的肉。。我们吃的是一个套餐。。比较便宜嘛。。有水,有汤还有布丁吃呢。。其实这个星期三和星期四我们班才有休息的。。我们觉得反正Form 3 在考PMR 老师都不教书的咯。。干脆整个星期不去读好了。。哈哈。。说来说去其实懒惰去学校就对了。。哇咔咔咔。。而且下个星期一和星期二又没有读书。。哈哈。。简直是开心吖。。