
Hello everybody, welcome to read my blog. I'm just an ordinary girl, the reason will be writing a blog, because good or bad mood can express in this blog and share.Although my blog is a bit boring, but I hope you can be my audience, from myexperience I feel the article. I have two chat rooms, if you want a message to me, leave a message in a chat room.My English is poor, as are the child does not study hard, haha. Sometimes I write in English, are to practice my English, to practice writing in English is also a way to make progress in English. If you do not know where to look, may I use broken english to write the article, a lot of people to please, please forgive me.Countries around the world friends, you should be healthy, happy peace there every day. Nothing more than close family friends and relatives are concerned about their friends is more important, so you should cherish, lose the will no longer be brought back. I know I'm not quite sure value can be done, but I wanted to share my thoughts with you, let us each day, a beautiful day Oh~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

我们的私人“情人节”~ [21.07.11]

过了12点就是我们的第五个21号了,真的很开心已经和宝贝五个月了,对我而言每个月的21号就是我们两的情人节,私人的~哈哈... 还有我和宝贝的回忆越来越多了,我们拥有很多属于我们的东西,小情书,白钢手环,情侣衣服,情侣电话... 我知道我们还会有更多属于我们的东西,我要和宝贝戴一样款的手表,穿一样牌子颜色的衣服,戴情侣手环去看戏吃东西,我的宝贝很疼我的,什么都迁就我,合理的都依着我,吵小小的架都好,总是让着我,就算是我错都会哄回我跟我道歉,如果我要的他都会给我,我做什么合理的事情他会支持我,他很关心我时我开玩笑的说他烦,他还是会关心我还是会疼我,像我宝贝那样的男生很难找了~ 宝贝,你会永远对我好吗?我不要你给我答案,因为承诺可以改变,只要我知道现在的你是对我很好很疼我的一个好男生就好了~❤

[21.07.11] 祝我们两“情人节快乐”... 我爱你哦~ 宝贝... muackzzzz

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